Cinematic created for Stormbirds, a Game developed by Juice Games, but unfortunately canceled by THQ.
Everything was done in 3DS Max, UV's in UVLayout, Texturing in Photoshop, Particles in AfterBurn, Rendering in VRay, Post-Production in After Effects, and Edited in Premiere.
The rainforest scene was created with a mixture of VUE, camera mapping and matte's. None of the other environments used VUE, they were all modelled in 3DS Max and either texture mapped traditionally or camera mapped.
Realtime:UK used Particle Flow and Afterburn for the explosions. The heat effects were created as an Afterburn system and then composted into the footage as a distortion effect.
Second Video is the latest Demo Reel where you will able to see other works from this VFX Studio.
More Information at Images and Videos Courtesy of Realtime UK