TGW Releases New Zbrush 3.5 Tutorials
November 12, 2009 - 15:48 –
The Gnomon Workshop is pleased to announce the release of its first tutorials on ZBrush 3.5. These three new tutorials, by ZBrush guru Ryan Kingslien, focus on ZSpheres II ...
Director from Film 9 Joins Gnomon Staff
August 18, 2009 - 22:19 –
The Gnomon School of Visual Effects announced the addition of Shane Acker, who is joining the staff as the newest Resident Artist. Mr. Acker is widely known for his Academy ...
TGW Releases Two New DVDs
July 09, 2009 - 20:55 –
The Gnomon Workshop released two new titles for 3D artists: Hard Surface Shading and Texturing with Neil Blevins and Character Design and Modeling for Next-Gen Games with ...
TGW Releases New Robot Design DVD
June 29, 2009 - 21:25 –
The Gnomon Workshop announced a comprehensive new concept design title: Robot Design with Josh Nizzi. In this DVD, Josh leads you through his production process for designing ...